We all love Christmas; family, friends and great food and drink all combine to a wonderful few days. However when Christmas is over and the New Year begins we turn our thoughts to taking down the decorations and starting the New Year afresh.

Many people have been using the same Christmas decorations for a number of years and may even give a wry smile when they take the same decorations out of the box they have been using for decades. But in all this time have you ever thought about cleaning any of your Christmas decorations?

Christmas decorations are sometimes in our homes for up to a month at a time but throughout this period they are never normally cleaned. So, when you take your Christmas decorations down this year perhaps a clean will be well-overdue.

Some decorations cannot be cleaned due to the material out of which they can be made. But baubles, for example, can be given a wipe over with a damp cloth when they are removed from the tree so they’ll sparkle like new in eleven months’ time. Larger items such as garlands and wreaths also need regular dusting and can be cleaned before they are consigned to the loft.

So before you pack away those decorations for another year, consider if they need a quick clean – you’ll be happy that you did next time they are needed.